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The Nature of Fascia DVD

This DVD provides a lecture on the recent scientific discoveries of fascia. A Rolfing instructor and Feldenkrais Teacher, Robert Schleip became fascianated by the scientific exploration of fascia and its manipulation.

 21,89 inkl. MwSt.










Ca. 40 Minuten

Lieferzeit 2-5 Tage, wenn nicht anderes angegeben.

Versandkostenfrei in Deutschland ab 30,00 € Warenwert.

Alle Preise inkl. Mehrwertsteuer zzgl. Versandkosten.
Abhängig von der Lieferadresse kann die Mehrwertsteuer an der Kasse variieren.

The Nature of Fascia DVD

Herausgeber: Fascialnet

A lecture for bodyworkers & movement therapists

This DVD provides a lecture on the recent scientific discoveries of fascia. A Rolfing instructor and Feldenkrais Teacher, Robert Scleip became fascianated by the scientific exploration of fascia and its manipulation.

Rather than being a mere passive packing organ, it has become increasingly clear that the fascia plays an important role in myofascial force generation, in tissue stiffness regulation, in pain generation and in proprioception. Robert Schleip is an international expert on fascial research as well as a highly experienced bodyworker.

This DVD covers: (1) The four types of sensory receptors in fascia: Golgi, Pacini, Ruffini and Insterstitial. Each mechanoreceptor will be addressed in detail, including guidelines on how to stimulate it via manual therapy. (2) Fascial tonicity, including the ability of fascia to contract and relax like a smooth muscle (3) Elastic recoil, the ability to recoil doing economical movements, and (4) Dynamic changes in matrix hydration induced by fascial manipulation by various forms of bodywork treatment.

Osteopathic Technique DVD-Set

Osteopathic Technique – DVD-Set von Prof. Laurie S. Hartman, D.O. Ph D., entwickelte seine eigene sanfte, spezifische Impulstechnik, die „Minimalhebeltechnik“ und damit neue Wege zur Behandlung. mehr…


Zentrales Kapitel: Praxisnahe Arbeitsanleitungen der wichtigsten Krankheitsbilder von A – Z. Ein aktuelles, interessantes Buch für neue Wege und Alternativen. Therapiekonzept pflanzlicher Stimulation. Sie erhalten eine PDF zum Download als Link. mehr…

Die Hormonrevulotion

Spektakuläre Behandlungserfolge bei Schilddrüsenstörungen, Migräne, Osteoporose, Wochenbettdepressionen, ADHS, … Wechseljahres-beschwerden, Diabetes und viele andere mehr. mehr…

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